More reactions have poured in from Nigerians following the report of the bandits’ attack on the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna State.

Many argued that if bandits can successfully carry out their operations in a place like the NDA with the tight security provided, then the security of ordinary citizens cannot be guaranteed.


They further urged President Muhammadu Buhari led government to label bandits as terrorists and tackle the menace of insecurity so the security situation in the country does not disintegrate into what is obtainable in Afghanistan today.

Charles Ogbu wrote:  When terrorists baptized as Bandits by your own govt summoned enough courage to attack your country’s DEFENCE ACADEMY, killing two officers and abducting others, that is AFGHANISTANIZATION.
But we can continue living in denial.
After all, denial is part of the grieving process. The first stage, actually.

Okechukwu Obasi commented: “The unthinkable is unfolding before our eyes, the military does not know who to turn to; the citizens do not know who to run to…things have fallen apart and the centre can no longer hold.”

Oluyemi Gideon said, “Now the battle is taken to the doorstep of the defenders. This is how Boko Haram started theirs too. Let see if our gallant military officers will be offensive for the first time in tackling security threats.”

Another user, Ige Oyebade blamed the federal government for its refusal to address the matter.

He wrote, “The government allowed this situation to continue unchecked because they believed that it would not affect their own family until the government sees them as terrorists instead of labelling them as bandits. The bandits are coming to the seat of power very soon.”

Jonathan Udemba said, “The evil we condoned yesterday on the basis of tribal, ethnic and religious sentiment has come to kill us today. Where are the praise singers? Where is body language? Imagine terrorists attacking a military university?”

Merlin Neearo said, “Life under this Buhari administration is like living in hell. Everything has become so expensive except the value we place on human lives. What a president!”

Ann Chiagolum said, “A real slap on the face of Nigeria Military, where is all their intelligence?”

Lungya Ige wrote, “The nerve of these people! How did they gain access to the barracks? The soldiers are sleeping during a war! Sad!”

Austin Wareyai said, “The president can no longer speak in the language they understand. The remaining is for the Bandits to capture the Aso villa. If it can happen in Afghanistan, it can also happen in a corrupt and compromise Nigeria.”

Austin Emy stated, “Till now, bandits are not declared by Buhari’s APC government as terrorists. There was once a country indeed! The same style as the Taliban’s. What a shame of a country. If NDA can be attacked by bandits, what else is left?”

Bandits had earlier attacked the Afaka barracks of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna State, and shot dead at least two officers and went away with another personnel in an onslaught on the country’s foremost military training institution.

It was earlier reported that the bandits invaded “in their large number” and shot dead two officers identified as Lieutenant Commodore Wulah and Flight Lieutenant CM Okoronkwo.



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